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Marjetka Golež Kaučič, PhD

Principal Research Associate, Professor on the Field of Slovene Literature and Folklore Studies

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Rersearch interests:

  • folklore studies, literary siences,
  • folk song,
  • ballad,
  • folk song heritage,
  • contemporary poetry narrative, drama,
  • zoofolkloristics, critical animal studies, ecocritics,
  • folk drama and theatre.


She studies the image of people in folk song, the role of women in certain types of folk songs, relations between people and literary poetry, the role and significance of folk song in modern Slovenian poetry and its expressive musicality, animals in Slovenian, European and World folklore and literature (zoofolkloristics, ecocritics, critical animalistic studies) and the creation of folk song. She in especially interested in folk ballads and also examines theoretical aspects of the study of folk song heritage from the perspectives of folklore and literary studies. She is one of the editors of the extensive corpus "Slovenian Folk Songs" (from the third volume forward, general editor of Volume 5 - 2007). She is editor of the two of series  of scientific monographs: Folkloristika/ Folklore studies (2012- ) and Volumes in Folklore Studies (2013-). She was appointed in 2006 by the Ministry of Higher Educations and Science for an external evaluator.


Leading functions and work in commissions:

  • President of Kommmision für Volksdichtung from 2020,
  • Vice president of a special international group for ballad research (Kommmision fur Volkdichutng) (2002–2017), 
  • Head of the Institute of Ethnomusicology (1994–2015),
  • member of he SIEF (Société Internationale d' Ethnologie et de Folklore) presidency (20042011), now member of SIEF
  • member of the following organization: member of the Senat of Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU,  member of the Academic Council of the GNI, member of the Slovene Ethnological Society (SED), member of the editorial board of Traditiones till 2014, member of the Associtaion of Slovenian researchers, member of association Slovenska matica, member of Commission for European language award till 2013.


Leading of research activities:

  • From 1996 onwards she has been the principal investigator of 18 scientific projects and of 4 scientific programs and part of the several EU projects. Recently she is head of the research program: Folklore and Ethnological Research on Slovenian Folk Culture (1999 – new one from 2019-2024), in the last period she was a head of the following projects: Misliti folkloro: folkloristične, etnološke in računske perspektive in pristopi k narečju/ Thinking Folklore: Approaching Dialect from Folkoristic, Ethnological, and Computational Perspectives (2018-2022); Klik v domovino: Multimedijska predstavitev kulturne dediščine slovenskih izseljencev na spletu / Click to homeland: multimedia presentation of Slovenian emigrants' folk cultural heritage on the web, EtnoKatalog: pridobivanje semantičnih opisov ljudske pesmi in glasbe na podlagi melodične in metro-ritmične analize/EthnoCatalogue: creating semantic descriptions of Slovene folk song and music based on melodic and metro-rhythmic analysis, Raziskave žanrskega, tipološkega in strukturnega opredeljevanja folklornega gradiva/ Resarch of the Genre, Typological, and Structural Definition of Folklore Material, ETNOMUZA: digitalna multimedijska shramba slovenske ljudske glasbene in plesne kulture / ETHNOMUSE: multimedia digital archive of slovenian folk music and folk dance culture, Raziskave nosilcev ljudsko-kulturnih pojavov/Researching the bearers of folk and cultural phenomena and participated on several other projects. Now she is principal investigator of the project Thinking Animals: Transfromative aspects in research of animals in folklore, literature and culture (2021-2024).


Participation in international projects:

  • Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage (EPOCH)(2003-2008),
  • Preservation and On-line Fruition of the Audio Documents from the European Archives of Ethnic Music (Culture 2000),
  • EuropeanaConnect (20092011),
  • Bilateral projects Slo-Rus, SLO-USA.


Training, reseach and pedagogical activites abroad:

  • Vienna 1988

  • Glasgow, Edinburgh 2006, Prishtina 2014, Trieste 2016-2018; Kyoto 2019


Educational  activities:

In 2003 she established the postgraduate programme (module) entitled Slovene studies – tradition and modernity in the programme Intercultural studies: Comparative studies of ideas and cultures at Scientific Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and at University of Nova Gorica, now Posgraduate School ZRC SAZU, where she is also a Full Professor and teaches the course: Slovenian folk songs and literary poetry - folkloristic and intertextual viewpoints and Ecofolklore: research of animals and nature in folklore, literature and culture. 


Supervisor of the following postgraduate students:

  • Rebeka Kunej, PhD 2007,
  • Mojca Kovačič, PhD 2009,
  • Marjeta Pisk, PhD 2012,
  • Vladka Tucovič, MSc 2009,
  • Marjeta Pisk, PhD 2012,
  • Jerneja Vrabič, PhD 2016,
  • Tadej Kralj PhD 2021.


Scientific monograph

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka, BABIČ, Saša (urednik). Slovenska ljudska balada, (Zbirka Folkloristični zvezki, 2). 1. naklada. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2018. 429 str., ilustr., zvd., note, povezava

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. "Fantje se zbirajo ---" : vojna in vojaki v slovenski ljudski pesmi/ “The young men are gathering . . .”: war and soldiers in Slovenian folksong, (Zbirka Folkloristični zvezki, 1/ Folklore Studies I). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2013. ISBN 978-961-254-445-4. povezava

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka et al. Slovenske ljudske pesmi V. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica in Založba ZRC: 2007.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka, ŠIVIC, Urša, KUNEJ, Drago. Slovenske ljudske pesmi V = Slovenian folk songs V, Družinske pripovedne pesmi, = Family ballads, (Iz arhiva Glasbenonarodopisnega inštituta). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU: = SRC SASA: Založba ZRC: = SRC Publishing, 2007. 1 CD (1 ura 10 min 42 sek), stereo. ISBN 978-961-254-031-9. povezava

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Ljudsko in umetno : dva obraza ustvarjalnosti, (Zbirka Folkloristika). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2003. 329 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6500-19-8.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka et al. Slovenske ljudske pesmi IV. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica: 1998.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, MARJETKA et al. Slovenske ljudske pesmi III. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica: 1992.


Chapters in scientific monographs

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. From racism to speciesism : the question of freedom of the other in the works of J. M. Coetzee and Jure Detela. V: HERRERA-SOBEK, Maria (ur.), LOMELÍ, Francisco A. (ur.), KIRSCHNER, Luz Angélica (ur.). Human rights in the Americas. London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. Str. 265-282. Inter-American research. ISBN 978-0-367-63691-3., DOI: 10.4324/9781003120315.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Zoo/bioetičko i Nikola Visković. V: GUĆ, Josip (ur.), JURIĆ, Hrvoje (ur.). Nikola Visković: pravo - politika - bioetika : zbornik povodom osamdesetog rođendana. Zagreb: Pergamena: Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za integrativnu bioetiku; Split: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Centar za integrativnu bioetiku: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu. 2021, str. 117-135. Biblioteka Bioetika, knj. 42.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Večvrstni svet v poeziji Alenke Jovanovski in Vesne Liponik. V: PAVLIČ, Darja (ur.). Slovenska poezija. 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2021. Str. 161-168. Obdobja, 40. ISBN 978-961-06-0542-3. ISSN 1408-211X., DOI: 10.4312/Obdobja.40.161-168. [COBISS.SI-ID 86183427]
GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Matija Murko med slovenskim in južnoslovanskim ljudskim pesemskim izročilom. V: JESENŠEK, Marko (ur.), STANONIK, Marija (ur.). Matija Murko - slovanski filolog v najširšem pomenu besede. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 2020. Str. 198-216. Razprave, 24.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Zoopoetika smrti živali v izbranih folklornih in literarnih besedilih. V: VIČAR, Branka (ur.). Pojmovanja živalskih smrti : antropocentrizem in (ne)možne subjektivitete. Koper: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Annales ZRS, 2020. Str. 103-125, ilustr.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Archetypal symbols in the Slovenian ballad tradition and their representation. V: STANOEV, Stanoj (ur.), et al. Wandering ideas on the paths of humanities : studies in folkloristics, cultural anthropology and slavistics in honour of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katya Mihaylova : in two volumes. Vol. 1 = Stranstvašti idei po pʺtištata na humanistaristikata : izsledvanija po folkloristika, kulturia antropologija i slavistika v čest na doc. d-r Katja Mihajlova : v dva toma. T. 1. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2020. Str. 145-159.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Lepa Vida in Kralj Matjaž : prek arhetipizacije v kanonizacijo. V: JEZERNIK, Božidar (ur.), SLAVEC GRADIŠNIK, Ingrid (ur.). Močni, modri in dobri : junaki v slovenski folklori. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2019. Str. 89-108, ilustr. Zbirka Zupaničeva knjižnica, št. 48. ISBN 978-961-06-0262-0.

Scientific articles

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Jezik govora, jezik pesmi : med narečjem, nadnarečjem in standardnim jezikom. Traditiones : zbornik Inštituta za slovensko narodopisje. [Tiskana izd.]. 2021, letn. 50, št. 2, str. 55-78.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Lastninske in nelastninske živali v urbanem okolju : aspekti dominacije, odtujenosti in speciesizma. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, 60, št. 2, str. 42-57. ISSN 0351-2908.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. "Zoopoetic dwelling" : the ecology of the connectedness of animal and human homes and dwelling through folklore and literary representations. Studia mythologica Slavica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, [št.] 23, str. 205-234. ISSN 1408-6271., DOI: 10.3986/SMS20202312.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Singing the other : singing in two languages and code-switching/stitching. Tautosakos darbai. 2020, 59, str. 100-119. ISSN 1392-2831.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Muslimani kot drugi v folklori in literaturi : med reprezentacijami in dejstvi = Muslims as others in folklore and literature : between representations and facts. Edinost in dialog : revija za ekumensko teologijo in medreligijski dialog. [Tiskana izd.]. 2019, letn. 74, št. 2, str.211-230. ISSN 2335-4127., DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/74/02/Golez.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Slovenska ljudska balada v srednješolskem izobraževanju - pastorka književnosti?. Jezik in slovstvo. [Tiskana izd.]. 2019, letn. 64, št. 2, str. 41-57, 116. ISSN 0021-6933.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. "Tlačanova voliča" ("The peasant's oxen") : a social and speciesist ballad. V: BURDEN, Matilda. Social issues in ballads and songs. Stellenbosch: Kommission für Volksdichtung, 2020. Str. 34-50, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 35467267]


Article in Encyclopedia

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Slowenien. III., Volksmusik. MGG online, ISSN 2510-4284, nov. 2016.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka. Used words. V: BROWN, Mary Ellen (ur.), ROSENBERG, Bruce A. (ur.). Encyclopedia of folklore and literature. Santa Barbara; Denver; Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 1998, str. 680-682.



GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka (urednik). What to Do with folklore? : new perspectives on folklore research, (B.A.S.I.S., vol. 9). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2017. IX, 168 str., ilustr., note. ISBN 978-3-86821-702-5. povezava

Folkloristični zvezki. Golež Kaučič, Marjetka (urednik 2013-). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.

Folkloristika. Golež Kaučič, Marjetka (urednik 2012-). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2003-. ISSN 2232-3791.

Traditiones. Golež Kaučič, Marjetka (član uredniškega odbora 2004-2014, urednik 2009, 2018). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1972-. ISSN 0352-0447.

GOLEŽ KAUČIČ, Marjetka (ur.). Ljudske balade med izročilom in sodobnostjo : zbornik referatov 27. mednarodnega posvetovanja raziskovalcev balad (SIEF baladna komisija), Gozd Martuljek, Slovenija, 13. - 19. 

julij 1997 = Ballads between tradition and modern times : proceedings of the 27th International Ballad Conference (SIEF Ballad Commission), Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, July 13 - 19, 1997. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Založba ZRC: = Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Science & Arts, ZRC Publishing: Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU: = Institute of Ethnomusicology SRC SASA, 1998. 264 str., ilustr.

Folcloristic and literary research of archive material from J. E. Lineva and other Russian researchers (bilateral project • January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2013)
Ethnomusicological, folkloristic and sociological study of musical life of the Slovenian immigrants in the USA (bilateral project • January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2013)
Raziskave nosilcev ljudsko-kulturnih pojavov (fundamental research project • September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2008)
EuropeanaConnect (framework program • May 1, 2009 - October 31, 2011)
EthnoMuse: multimedia digital archive of Slovenian folk music and folk dance culture (target research program • October 1, 2006 - September 30, 2008)
Raziskave žanrskega, tipološkega in strukturnega opredeljevanja folklornega gradiva ( - )
EtnoKatalog: pridobivanje semantičnih opisov ljudske pesmi in glasbe na podlagi melodične in metroritmične analize (fundamental research project • February 1, 2008 - January 30, 2011)
Zvočno gradivo gramofonskih plošč kot vir etnomuzikoloških in folklorističnih raziskav (Slovene) (applied project • May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2012)
Klik v domovino: Multimedijska predstavitev kulturne dediščine slovenskih izseljencev na spletu (Slovene) (fundamental research project • October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2012)
Song Reflections on Intercultural Coexistence (target research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
Thinking Folklore: Approaching Dialect from Folkoristic, Ethnological, and Computational Perspectives (research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)


  • bachelor in Slovene language and literature, University of Ljubljana (1986),
  • bachelor in comparative literature, University of Ljubljana (1986),
  • Master in Slovene literature, University of Ljubljana (1989),
  • PhD in literary sciences, University of Ljubljana (1994).


  • Institute of Ethnomusicology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 1986.
Research areas
General and comparative literature, literary criticism, literary theory H390
Folklore H400