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EuropeanaConnect delivered core components which are essential for the realisation of the European Digital Library (Europeana) as a truly interoperable, multilingual and user-oriented service for all European citizens.

The project provided the technologies and resources to semantically enrich vast amounts of digital content in Europeana, supporting advanced searching and browsing, allowing for delivery of enhanced services and making Europeana content more accessible, reusable and exploitable.

EuropeanaConnect facilitated multilingual access by implementing a suite of translation tools and by providing a unique repository of language resources for multilingual processing of objects in Europeana.

EuropeanaConnect deployed key infrastructure components for Europeana: these include an OAI Management Infrastructure to handle large-scale data harvesting, a Metadata Registry to ensure interoperability, a Service Registry to enable integration of external added-value services and a Resolution Discovery Service to allow for unique resource identification.

The usability and functionality of Europeana is significantly enhanced by the integration of a service that enables multimedia annotation, and services that provide geographic information and eBooks-on-demand. The project provided an innovative visual interface for Europeana and will also make the portal accessible via mobile devices.

EuropeanaConnect developed a licensing framework for gathering and maintaining rights information for objects, thereby facilitating future licensed content integration.

EuropeanaConnect added a critical mass of audio content to Europeana, adapting and enhancing existing audio-aggregation infrastructure to harvest audio from hundreds of audio archives.


Research Project

Research Fields
Narodopisje H400