Folklore revival in post-socialist countries: politics, memory, heritization and sustainability
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Rebeka Kunej, PhD-
Original Title
Folklorna dejavnost v postsocialističnih državah: politike, spomin, dediščinjenje in trajnost / Folklorní revivalismus v postsocialistických zemích: politiky, paměť, heritizace a udržitelnost
Project Team
Mojca Kovačič, PhD, Drago Kunej, PhD, Marjeta Pisk, PhD, Anja Verderber, Andrej Tomazin, Ana Vrtovec Beno, PhD, Dr. Daniela Stavělová (Czech project executive), Dr. Matěj Kratochvíl, Dr. Zita Skořepová, Dr. Zdeněk Vejvoda, Dr. Lucie Uhlíková-
Project ID
1 March 2022–28 February 2025 -
Financial Source
Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky
The project focuses on monitoring the folklore activities in contemporary society, which are associated with making music and dance with elements of traditional folk culture without an obvious intention to cultivate, care for or further disseminate. Unlike the ideologically conceived folklore movement of the second half of the 20th century, there is a shift from presentational to participatory. There is a change in the environment of these activities, which take place not only in the activities of folklore ensembles and associated events, but in connection with emerging events. Important is the process of adopting images of the folklore movement in cultural memory, it is also a shift from local to global: folklore as a reflection of local or regional identity versus folklore as a field of hybrid and multi-genre musical dance expression using bricolage and appropriation of deterritorialized traditions. The theoretical frameworks will provide ethnochoreology and ethnomusicology focused on the study of dance and music in everyday life, their performativity and ways of communication.
- To examine the so-called folklore activity in the post-socialist period: inclusions and exclusions in folk dance groups/ensembles, politics, memories, and narratives.
- To examine the significance of music and musicians in the folk revival movement: an analysis of participatory and (re)presentative practises and a study of sound recordings.
- To examine contemporary productions of folklore and locally organised events in comparison with institutional notions of appropriate interpretation, authorised cultural memory, and heritagisation.
Izvirni znanstveni članki:
PISK, Marjeta. 2023. Folkloristika in kritično preučevanje dediščine [Folkloristics and critical heritage studies]. Svetovi: revija za etnologijo, antropologijo in folkloristiko 1 (1): 82–96. [COBISS.SI-ID 149266691].
KUNEJ, Rebeka. 2023. Spaces of folk dancing beyond the (Slovene) folklore ensemble stage [Prostori ljudskega plesa onkraj odrov (slovenskih) folklornih skupin]. Národopisná revue 33(1): 43–52. [COBISS.SI-ID 150828291].
KUNEJ, Rebeka (urednik/editor). 2022. 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology: programme and abstracts: [29 July-5 August 2022, Brežice, Slovenia] = 32. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo: program in povzetki : [29. julij-5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija]. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. [COBISS.SI-ID 113867267].
Prispevki na konferencah:
KOVAČIČ, Mojca. 2022. Representations of minority folk dance ensembles: official discourses vs. individual needs and everyday realities [Predstavitve manjšinskih folklornih skupin: uradni diskurzi nasproti potrebam posameznikov in resničnosti vsakdana].
Referat na / Paper at the 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 29 July–5 August 2022, Brežice, Slovenia [32. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, 29. Julij–5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija]. [COBISS.SI-ID 123815939]
KUNEJ, Drago. 2022. Musicians in folk dance ensembles: included or excluded participants [Glasbeniki v folklornih skupinah: njihova vključenost ali izključenost.]
Referat na / Paper at the 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 29 July–5 August 2022, Brežice, Slovenia [32. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, 29. Julij–5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija]. [COBISS.SI-ID 123816195]
KUNEJ, Rebeka. 2022. Folk dance ensemble: between cultural society and dance community [Folklorna skupina: med kulturnim društvom in plesno skupnostjo].
Referat na / Paper at the 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 29 July–5 August 2022, Brežice, Slovenia [32. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, 29. Julij–5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija]. [COBISS.SI-ID 123816451]
Konference v organizaciji mednarodne projektne skupine:
32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 29 July–5 August 2022, Brežice, Slovenia [32. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, 29. Julij–5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija]
4th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World, 5. –7. October 2023, Prague, Czech [4. Simpozij ICTM Študijske skupine za glasbo in ples slovanskega sveta, 5. –7. oktober 2023, Praga, Češka].