Area of study
keywords: music cognition, affective computing, semantics, knowledge representation, multimedia systems, cultural heritage, philosophy
I’m a researcher working on various interdisciplinary topics related to cognition and technology. Examples include computational approaches to semantic analysis of text corpora, applications in MIR (Music Information Retrieval), and in the past, digital preservation, analysis, representation and interpretation of cultural heritage information.
In recent years, my research focuses on music cognition and multimodal interactions present in emotional and visual (color) perception of music. I’m especially interested in how temporary affective states influence individual’s perception of music, and whether mechanisms underlying music cognition can be extended to other areas of affective computing. Together with colleagues from Laboratory for graphics and multimedia (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana), we’ve gathered the Moodo dataset – currently one of the largest datasets on human emotional and color responses to music. You can take the online survey here.
- G. Strle and M. Marolt, "Computational folkloristics: semantic analysis and visualization of topic distribution of song types | Računalniška folkloristika. Semantična analiza in vizualizacija tematske porazdelitve pesemskih tipov," Glasnik SED, vol. 54/3, pp. 36-43, 2014,
- G. Strle and M. Marolt. ”Uncovering semantic structures within folk song lyrics," in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, 2014,
- G. Strle and M. Marolt, "New approaches: uncovering semantic structures in ethnological materials | Novi pristopi. Odkrivanje semantičnih struktur v etnoloških vsebinah," Glasnik SED, vol. 54/1-2, pp. 17-21, 2014,
- G. Strle, et al., “Affective MIR: emotional and color responses to music”. Swedish Cognitive Science Society Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2014,,
- M. Pesek, P. Godec, M. Poredos, G. Strle, J. Guna, E. Stojmenova, et al., "Introducing a dataset of emotional and color responses to music," Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2014,
- M. Pesek, P. Godec, M. Poredos, G. Strle, J. Guna, E. Stojmenova, et al., "Capturing the mood: Evaluation of the moodstripe and moodgraph interfaces," in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2014,
- M. Pesek, P. Godec, M. Poredos, G. Strle, J. Guna, E. Stojmenova, et al., "Gathering a dataset of multi-modal mood-dependent perceptual responses to music," 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services, Aalborg, Denmark, 2014,
POFADEAM: Preservation and On-line Fruition of the Audio Documents from the European Archives of Ethnic Music (international project • January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006)
EPOCH - Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage (international project • January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2008)
Digital archive of Slovenian folk songs (bilateral project • January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006)
EthnoMuse: multimedia digital archive of Slovenian folk music and folk dance culture (target research program • October 1, 2006 - September 30, 2008)
EthnoCatalogue: creating semantic descriptions of Slovene folk song and music based on melodic and metro-rhythmic analysis (fundamental research project • February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2011)
Click to Homeland: a multimedia presentation of Slovenian emigrants cultural heritage on the Web (target research project • October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2012)
SATORI - Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation (framework program • January 1, 2014 - September 30, 2017)
EtnoFletno: Slovenian folk song and music on mobile devices (research project • October 21, 2014 - September 30, 2015)
- PhD in Philosophy/Cognitive Science, 2012
- M.A. in Information Science, 2008
- BA in Philosophy, BA in Library and Information Science, 2002
Fellowships & Awards:
- Guest researcher at Lund University Cognitive Science (Swedish Institute scholarship, nr. 210/00197/2008 & 210/00583/2009),
- Master thesis award in Library and Information Science, Dr. Jerry Saje Award, 2008, University of Ljubljana