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Marija Klobčar, PhD

Senior Research Associate

Assistant Professor of Folklore Studies and Mythology

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Area of study

  • the testimony of oral tradition in research of history and everyday life,
  • itinerant singers, the bearers of folksong creativity
  • folk songs in rituals, mythology,
  • different folksong genres and their genesis,
  • folksongs and intercultural relations,
  • the history of folksong collecting and folksong research.


Leading functions, membership and functions in associations and societies:

  • head of the Academic Council of the Institute,
  • member of International Ballad Commission,
  • member of SIEF Working Group on the Ritual Year,
  • member of Society for Slovene Studies,
  • member of Slovenian Ethnological Society. 


Pedagogical activities:

  • She teaches Slovenian Oral Literature and Genesis of Slovenian Folkloristic Theory at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.


Reseach and pedagogical activites abroad:

  • academy exchange programme with the The Royal Scottish Academy: lectures at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (2009),
  • research fieldwork in Cleveland, USA (2013).


  • Poslušajte štimo mojo. Potujoči pevci na Slovenskem, Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2020 (Folkloristika 9).
  • Na poti v Kamnik, Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2016 (Zbirka Folkloristika, 7). 
  • Kamničani med izročilom in sodobnostjo : življenje kamniških meščanov od leta 1880 do druge svetovne vojne. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 1998.
  • Prezrti zgodovinski kontekst izročila o kralju Matjažu. Studia mythologica Slavica 26, 2023, str. 121-143. DOI: 10.3986/SMS20232604.
  • Simbolne reprezentacije ziljskega žegna, ziljske noše in vojvodskega prestola v spreminjanju kolektivnih identitet na avstrijskem Koroškem. V: Kočevar, Vanja (ur.), Devetak, Robert. Kolektivne identitete skozi prizmo zgodovine dolgega trajanja : slovenski pogledi. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022, str. 519–554.
  • The intertwining of languages in songs and changes of identifications in the Gail Valley. Traditiones 51/ 2, 2022, str. 91–118. DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2022510205.
  • The perception of bilingual songs in Slovenia and the cultural dimensions of language selection. Tautosakos darbai, ISSN 1392-2831, 2020, 59, str. 209–228.
  • Skrita pričevanja o potresu leta 1348 v slovenskih deželah. Studia mythologica Slavica 20, 2017, str. 145–177.
  • Vloga Emila Korytka pri spoznavanju slovenskih pesemskih praks. Traditiones 46/3, 2017, str. 19–32. DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2017460302.
  • Hidden behind the transcriptions : men and women as bearers of Slovenian ballads. V: Golež Kaučič, Marjetka (ur.). What to do with folklore? : new perspectives on folklore research, (B.A.S.I.S., 9). Trier 2017, str. 41–55.
  • "From the silvery midnight water" or the folk song between expectations and reality. Jahrbuch des österreichischen Volksliedwerkes 65, 2016, str. 126–137.
  • "Morebiti bi se še dal kje kak tak napev vloviti" : zapisovalske usmeritve na Slovenskem v kontekstu slovanskih povezav. Traditiones  45/2,  2016, str. 53–81. DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2016450205.
  • Pozabljeni Kamnik in njegovo jezero. Studia mythologica Slavica 18, 2015, str. 81–109.
  • Was hat sich Bonaparte ausgedacht? : die Wahrnehmung der Franzosen in slowenischen Volksliedern. Jahrbuch des österreichischen Volksliedwerkes 64, 2015, str. 98–106.
  • Pesemsko obveščanje in ustvarjanje tradicije. Traditiones 43/3, 2014, str. 87–110. DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2014430401.
  • Itinerant singers in Slovenia : views on a distinct phenomenon. V: McKean, Thomas A. (ur.). Songs of people on the move, (B.A.S.I.S., 8). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2012, str. 3–15.
  • Ritualism as a reflection of social transformation and the researcher's (lack of) power. Traditiones 41/1, 2012, str. 159–174. doi: 10.3986/traditio2012410114.
  • "Voda! Jaz ti darujem, od dna do dna …" : pesemske sledi verovanja v nadnaravno moč vode. Studia mythologica Slavica 14, 2011, str. 181–193.
  • Zvrstnost slovenskih ljudskih pesmi: refleksija pesemskega razvoja ali pogledov nanj. Traditiones 39/2, 2010, str. 124–145. DOI : 10.3986/Traditio2010390208.
Memory of Religion in Folk Music Archives (international project • January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2018)
Thinking Folklore: Approaching Dialect from Folkoristic, Ethnological, and Computational Perspectives (research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
Song Reflections on Intercultural Coexistence (target research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
Folklore and Ethnological Research on Slovenian Folk Culture (research programme • January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2018)


  • BA in Slovene language and literature, BA in ethnology (1982),
  • MA in ethnology (1991),
  • PhD in ethnology (1997).



  • Department of Ethnology of Cultural Anthropology (1983–1995),
  • Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (1996–1998),
  • Institute of Ethnomusicology, SASA (1998–).