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Slovenske ljudske plesne viže, Prekmurje in Porabje
Slovene Folk Dance Music, Prekmurje and Raba Valley

Selected by: Rebeka Kunej, Drago Kunej
Year: 2011

The CD reveals the variety of musical accompaniments to folk dances, music groups and performance styles. The publication presents the folk-dance sonority of the north eastern part of the Slovenian ethnic territory from the second half of the 20th century, as caught on tape by researchers from the Institute of Ethnomusicology. The resulting CD is a reflection of the geographical and cultural entwining of two ethnic groups: the Slovenians and the Hungarians.

Table of content

1. Ti pa moraš moja biti (valček)

2. Kolo

3. Vankuštanc

4. Marko skače

5. Ples z metlo

6. Dragi moj sosed (polka)

7. Tkalečka

8. Tkavčka

9. Trojka

10. Štajeriš

11. Šimšrit

12. Ans, cvaj, draj

13. Gospod, gospa

14. Šamarjanka

15. Šamarjanka (Šadri, šadri, kolačeke tri)

16. Mrkevca, mrkevca

17. Sotiš

18. Sotiš

19. Špicpolka

20. Šojstarska

21. Šujstarska

22. Točak polka

23. Rozinka

24. Na zeleni trati

25. Gula čardaš

26. Rezka

27. Nocoj je ena luštna noč (valček)

28. Pajeriš

29. Polka

30. Ob bistrem potoku

31. Drmač

32. Čardaš

33. Čardaš

34. Djereberoužam

35. Muzik marš

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Slovenian folk dance


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