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Slovenska ljudska balada

Author: Marjetka Golež Kaučič
Year: 2018

The second volume in the series Folkloristični zvezki ('Volumes in Folklore Studies') titled Slovenska ljudska balada ('The Slovenian Folk Ballad') provides a comprehensive portrait of the content and formal structure of Slovenian folk ballads, giving an overview that incorporates various perspectives on texture and contextual aspects, while focusing on the content, story, and messages. This publication is the result of genre studies and many years of research on Slovenian folk ballads, which were studied as one of the most complex and mysterious genres explored by folklore and literary studies in both Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe. This volume has been designed as a combination of the identification and interpretative procedure and text analysis, and is based on the premises of folklore studies and intertextual theory, and an individual approach to studying individual ballads. It presents individual examples of nearly all ballad types (from King Mathias and Fair Vida to Hunter’s Funeral), which however, it studies based on their core content, their dynamic relationship with the context, and through the interpretative method, which seeks that aspect of reading and understanding that reveals both their specifics and universalities, while also seeking their intertextual connections with literarizations.

Table of content

I. Arhetipi v slovenski baladni tradiciji in njihove simbolne reprezentacije
II. »Riba faronika« in vprašanje univerzalnosti mita
III. »Godec pred peklom« in bajeslovni odsevi Orfejevega motiva
IV. »Mrtvaška kost kaznuje objestneža« ali spoštovanje smrti
V. »Desetnica« – pravljičnost in usodnost
VI. Legendarnost v »Mariji in brodniku« in vprašanje romarstva
VII. »Tlačanova voliča« – socialna in speciesistična balada
VIII. »Lahkoživčeve sanje« – ljubezenski zapleti skozi prostorsko percepcijo
IX. Slovenska balada o nezvesti gospe in njene vzporednice v evropski baladni tradiciji
X. »Rošlin in Verjanko« ali kaj lahko sporoča balada danes
XI. Detomorilka in vprašanje resnične zgodbe
XII. »Živali pokopljejo lovca« ali potovanje zgodb »Narobe svet« in biti človek/žival
Sklepne misli
Imensko in stvarno kazalo

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folk motifs
Slovenian folk ballads


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