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Odmev prvih zapisov
The Echo of the First Recordings

Selected by: Marija Klobčar, Drago Kunej, Mirko Ramovš, Urša Šivic
Year: 2004

The compact disc Odmev prvih zapisov (The Echo of the First Recordings) is a selection of folk song recordings which have been preserved at the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The selected songs and their accompanying lyrics give a concise overview of the importance of folk songs from the time of the first recordings to the present day. As the name implies, the compact disc makes it possible to listen to the oldest transcriptions made in various parts of Slovenia, taking us from the earliest sound recordings to today. The mix of folk songs also shows how much of this heritage was still alive and resonant among the common people at the time of recording and demonstrates the advances made in sound recordings. The selection reflects the variety of folk song and instrumental music in both contents and melody.

Table of content

1. Marko skače, Marko skače

2. Jaz sem si pa jeno zmislu

3. Tri jetrve žito žele

4. Oj ta vojaški boben

5. Pegam pisov cesarju je

6. Tak dolgo sem hodil za teboj

7. Bog daj, Bog daj dobro véčer

8. Cvajšrit

9. Ko jaz pobč na to planinco grem

10. Dober večer, pečen krmper

11. Štajriš s poskočnicami

12. Lobe, loub

13. Teče mi, teče, bistra voda

14. Da lipa moja Wïda

15. Ta lepi moj črni patok

16. Stoji, stoji tam silna skala

17. Anbərt je biwa ana grofava hči

18. Od enga vrta bom zapev

19. Dons je en petək jutər

20. Po pet

21. Naš Jezuš je od smrti ustu

22. Zibenšrit

23. Usmiljeni Jezus, usmili se nas

24. Preke nam gre en šmarn oblak

25. Mravla je v mlin pelala

26. Gospod, gospa

27. Le čuj, le čuj, ljub sosed moj

28. Rešte se, rešte se

29. Mazurka

30. Dober večer vam Bog daj

31. Dvanajst deklet na delo gre

32. Oj Božejme

33. Carska kasa

34. Od Ribənce do Kaməlka

35. An, ban, pet podgan

36. Baba sede u balon

37. An da da lejdi

38. Le pijmo ga, ne glejmo ga

39. Pa na zdravje gospodarja

40. Rašpl

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folk music
folk songs


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