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Bog daj dobro leto. Ljudska pesemska dediščina Adlešičev.
My God Grant You a Good Year. Folksongs Heritage from Adlešiči.

Selected by: Drago Kunej, Marko Terseglav
Year: 2011

The CD May God Grant you a Good Year presents the long singing tradition of the Bela krajina village of Adlešiči. The first recordings, made on wax cylinders, originate from 1914 and are a historic document of sound recording in Slovenia. These are followed by the first recordings on tape from 1955, then later recordings spanning a period up to the present. The selection includes narrative and love songs, ritual and drinking songs, and patriotic songs. Some of these are only known in Adlešiči and others are specific to the Bela krajina region, but the majority represent variations of folk songs known all over Slovenia.

Table of content

1. Bog daj, Bog daj dober večer

2. Prošel ja, prošel pisani vuzem

3. Od kod si dekle ti doma

4. Lepa Anka

5. Ali je kaj trden ta vaš most

6. Pozimi, poleti

7. Rasti, rasti, rožmarin

8. Tribučko kolo

9. Dekle je po vodu šla

10. Lipa mi je, lipa mi je

11. Kopa cura vinograd

12. Ljuba moja, kdo te trošal

13. Rešte se, rešte se

14. Jeste li videli moga sinka Janka

15. Lep mi je vrtec ograjen

16. Petelinček lepo poje

17. Šotiš

18. Primi, ženin, časico

19. Bog je ustvaril zemljo

20. Snoč sem jedno pošto dobil

21. Doletela tičica

22. Zelena mala dubrava

23. Hruške, jabuke, slive

24. Pijmo, bratci, vince

25. Dobar dan, gospodar

26. Išla je devojka

27. Vesele tičice lepo pojo

28. Bog daj, Bog daj dober večer

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Slovenian folk songs
Slovenian folk vocal songs


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